I spent Thanksgiving in Milwaukee, WI with Rob and Ashley. They are doing well and as always it was great to see them. Rob is almost half way through med school and Ashley is back in school. Most importantly they are happy together...
I went back to AZ for winter break, which was only 13 days long. I got to see my grandma on my mom's side and my papou(grandpa) on my dad's side. Even though they both live thousands of miles away from AZ they were both there at the same time...
After break I came back to NY for a 10 day Trial Techniques class. Having break cut short was no fun but the class was worth it. Then it was straight into the Spring Semester, but not before getting my grades back from last semester. I got a 3.0 which was my best semester to date...
Which brings me to where I am now which is in the midst of my last semster of law school. I can't believe it's finally here. Now comes the scary part, getting back into the real world...