One of my better days in a while...
Well it's about time! I finally got my bike out of storage. I took the pictures below right before I went for my first ride of the year. It was 60 miles and I loved every minute of it...

I store my bike out in Westhampton about 60 miles east of where I live. About 45 miles into my ride I pulled off at a little park that I recognized because I stopped there last year at the same time, except back then it was to offer help to a fellow biker who looked to be in need of assistance...
This time I just pulled off to take a rest. After 4 months of no riding the body takes a little time to get used to it. The park had a little lake, more of an oversized pond than anything else. I'd say it was about half the size of a football field...
There were about 3 or 4 dozen geese and ducks. Some of them were in the water, some of them were up on the grass gorging themselves on bread being tossed by gleeful children. I don't know who was enjoying it more, the kids, the geese and ducks, or me recalling childhood memories...
On the other side of the lake there were a couple teenagers relaxing with their fishing poles. It reminded me of my friend Dave who incidentally grew up less than 10 miles from there. Come to think of it I'll bet he's fished there before...
The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was a perfect 70°F(21°C). To complete the picture the lake was surrounded by plum trees in full bloom. For those of you not familiar with plum blossoms they are trees filled with pink flowers(they are all perfect) instead of green leaves...
This was such an idyllic moment that I had to call people and share it with them. I got in touch with my mom, my brother, and my sister. They were all in good spirits when I spoke with them...
Well that was just over 300 words but I hope you still get the picture. After that I came back home, kicked off my gear and jumped on the phone. I called Matthew Green, an attorney in Tucson, in hopes of lining up some legal work in Arizona over the summer. I left a voice mail just like I did the day before...
About 5 minutes later while I was getting cleaned up my phone rang. It was Matthew Green returning my call. We talked for about 15 minutes and it sounds like he is exactly what I am looking for, and I am exactly what he is looking for...
He is a sole practitioner criminal defense lawyer who is almost ready to expand his practice and take on a staff. I am law student who can offer experience and has the flexibility to work with his needs...
He indicated that if he did not have a sufficient amount of work to occupy my time he would gladly introduce me to colleagues who could provide me with more learning opportunities. To me this means more contacts, which is exactly what I need if I hope to move back to Arizona after I graduate...
So to recap my day: I got over my PMS(parked motorcycle syndrome), and I got a summer job. Not bad for a lazy Spring Sunday...

I love to read your blog...I am so happy for your job on summer time...
kiss, Paty
Cool pics. That sign is too funny. To me it looks like, well 2 sperms; the fact that it may be a legitimate sign for something only makes it even funnier. I guess my mind is in the gutter today, but its my last day of law school classes ever... how that relates I'm not sure.
No, no, no, no!!! Chandra's mind is not in the gutter... I ran into that sign frequently in my time in Amsterdam in days of yore... and it means that sperm are allowed to swim in this direction (the black one) but not in that direction (the red one)... You've just got to love the Dutch way of being helpful!!!
It´s easy... The signalling indicates huge sexual activity. While ones are leaving, others are entering.
Just a Simple guess.
Mother G~D, Far-There G~D.
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