Alright this first post will be kinda short, but I need to put something up to get back in the swing of things. I think the most logical way to approach this is chronologically...
My last real post was of my Yiayia's obituary. She made it through her 85th birthday and passed away about 20 hours after I made it back to see her again. As sad as I was to lose her I was glad that she went with her dignity. She passed at home with family...
As is my habit I try to take as much positive away from an experience as possible. It was so good to see my brother and sister, it had been far too long. We spent much of our time together reminiscing about the good times we've had and making plans for the good times to come...

This is a picture of me clapping with glee at the prospect that my Yiayia was making Koulourakia(Greek cookies)...

This is my Jail-House pose. There are at least a dozen photos of me out there somewhere in this classic pose. My Aunt Toni thought it was funny...

...told you there were more of them.

This last one is a semi-recreation of a picture that has been taken a couple times before. If my Aunt Toni ever gets around to scanning the other 2 pics I'll post those too. As much as things change over the years, there is nothing new under the sun...

Thanks Aunt Toni for the above pics. I guess all it took was a little bit of public harrasment...
On the next episode of Blog of the Rising Syrmo Maui Bro...
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