Well I'm here in Holland visiting my grandmother. I spent last week in NH with my Papou(grandfather). I think this post can be filled in with excerpts from emails I have sent home while I've been gone. The title of this post is a reference to the fact that the greatest time of year is here...
Aaron Syrmopoulos to riemke Aug 22 (4 days ago)
Had a great time in A'dam yesterday. I walked probably 10K starting at Centraal Station and ending up in Leidesplein the long way. I made it to Naarden-Bussum at about 5:15PM, just a couple minutes after Renee left the station since I had told her I would be there by 5PM. Thankfully her mothering instincts made her send Eduard back up there a little after 6:30PM, which was about 2-3 minutes after I woke up from a very nice nap on the waiting bench outside the station. The timing couldn't have been better, and Eduard had a good time razzing me about showing up without a phone number or address. I told him I knew I could count on them and didn't even think about it. Last night I was in bed by 8:30PM and slept till almost 11AM today.
You will be pleased to know that I showed up with flowers and we had a very nice dinner here. I think we will be going to dinner at Jan en Aleman on the night of the 26th and I will do my best to get Wim to let me, let you pay for dinner. You won't believe what I found in Renee and Eduard's living room... my sabre. Apparently you brought it over figuring that I would be more likely to find it here. I will take it with me to grandma's and make a trip to UPS or the post office one of our outings. It will also give me a chance to let her know how much having it means to me.
Aaron Syrmopoulos to riemke Aug 23 (2 days ago)
Hey Mom-
Just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know I have made it to the B&B and have gone to see Grandma. She looks a lot better than I expected. I got to her place about 3ish and we went to the E10 Hoeve for dinner. I left her place shortly before 8ish. We discussed plans to have David visit tomorrow and the Spaklers on Monday and she seemed just fine with the plans, although she had trouble remembering David even after I showed her a picture. I'm sure she'll remember when she sees him though.
I also showed up at grandma's with a bouquet of flowers from Renee's garden. You will be happy to know I get the same kind of treatment here that Merel gets when she comes to see you.
I thought I got the day off to a bad start when as I was backing out of R&E's driveway I backed into a post. I got out and was worried that I had made a HUGE mistake. Renee on the other hand didn't even bat an eye, she just looked at me and said "What do you think, that you're the first person to do this? Don't forget I have a son named Hidde." I guess she wasn't that worried about a car with over 250K on it.
Anyways I'm off to bed soon (it's 9:30 right now). Not too sure if I'm crazy about the "farm fresh" smell around here, but I probably won't even notice by the time I leave.
Thanks again for helping make this visit possible,
Aaron Syrmopoulos to sparknotes 11:30 AM (25 minutes ago)
Hey Aunt Toni-
It seems like when ever I come over here I have some kind of revelation about my dad. This time it an insight into our relationship. I've decided that while it's no longer his responsibility to teach me, it's still my task to learn from him, and not the other way around. The only person I need to worry about learning life lessons is me...
Love you,
Aaron Syrmopoulos to riemke
show details 11:50 AM (6 minutes ago)
Hey Ma-
Had a great day with Gma today. I went over to her place around 1130 and the Spaklers had just arrived. We went for lunch the same place that Gma and I went to dinner with David(soft A) the night before. As per your instructions I paid for lunch today using your credit card, At first Hein tried to pay, but when I told him I was under strict instructions he understood. It was great to see the Spaklers and get a chance to express my appreciation for everything they do for Gma.
I am back at my room now and seem to be the only person staying here since it is a Monday night. Tomorrow I am heading back up to Naarden to drop of Merel's car and thank Renee & Eduard for all their help. I think tomorrow night I am going to get a room near Dam Square and have one last night of revelry. I hope you have a wonderful time up in the great NW, and can't wait to see you when you get home.
Love you,
OK that's about it for now. I'll try to remeber to post the roster for my $$$ league after our draft at 3AM Amsterdam time. Just ask Captain Rubber Legs he'll tell you I know what time it is in Darwin Australia.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The bar exam is over...
...now for the important stuff, me and Dave fishing.
The bar exam is done and over with. Now I get to spend the next couple months waiting for the results. How nerve wracking can you get?
In the mean time I have been fortunate enough to have both of my living grandparents buy me plane tickets to come see them. There is a high likelihood that this may be the last time I get to see either of them.
They are both on their last legs in their 80's and I am so deep in debt with my student loans that once I start working to pay them off I probably won't come up for air till next decade.
I must enjoy what I have while I have it. I am blessed in so many ways. I extend my thanks to everyone who has shown me their love an support on my journey.
In the mean time I have been fortunate enough to have both of my living grandparents buy me plane tickets to come see them. There is a high likelihood that this may be the last time I get to see either of them.
They are both on their last legs in their 80's and I am so deep in debt with my student loans that once I start working to pay them off I probably won't come up for air till next decade.
I must enjoy what I have while I have it. I am blessed in so many ways. I extend my thanks to everyone who has shown me their love an support on my journey.
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