Yes, believe it or not it has been just over a year since I started my blog. On average a post every 5 days and 3 pictures a week has been a work of love. I posted 78+ times(the plus is because some posts got merged), and have posted in 10 of the past 13 months. I have posted 129 pictures, and have tried to paint a few of them with my words. I've cried more than once while writing it, and shared some really good times...
A STRONG WORD OF ADVICE(given to me and then later by me): Leave any negativity, directed at individuals you actually know, out of your blog. It can be more hurtful than you know and there is always a good chance something like that will come back to bite you in the ass(life takes lots of funny turns). Burned bridges can be rebuilt, but published words tend to last a long time. Following this advice will also make your memories more pleasant when you read your blog to reminisce in the future...
I have used this blog for those purposes already, and hope to continue to do so. The actual 1 year anniversary fell on June 7th, just a few days before I left for Sydney, Australia. And as it turned out the only pictures I have left from there are the ones I posted on the blog. Nostalgia is just our way of fishing the past out of the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and recycling it for more than it's worth...
I have been back in AZ for 1 week now and I've been so busy it feels like it's been a couple weeks already. The very first night I was back in town I got picked up at the airport by my friend Dave. We were hanging out playing golf on his PS2 when he asked me when we were going to go fishing. I suggested right then was as good a time as any, so we grabbed our fishing poles, went to the store to get some chicken livers, and walked to the neighborhood lake...
I caught 2 catfish and Dave caught nothing, which is exactly the opposite of how it usually goes with us. Dave took the first picture below with my camera phone, hence the poor quality. He also took the other picture of me with a catfish about 3 years ago one latenight at Kiwanis Park in Tempe. There aren't many things I enjoy more than some quiet time fishing...

Latenight Urban Fishing, a nice way to come home...

We were doin' the same stuff 3 years ago...
This past Friday I met with the attorney I am working for this summer. My take was that we hit it off very well, hopefully I'm not too far off base. He is out of town this week, but he gave me some stuff to do while he is gone, and we will get together again next week when he gets back from
canyoneering in Utah...
Also on Friday I got an email from Hofstra notifying me that I have been accepted into "The Prosecutors Role" a class where I will prosecute a criminal case from start to finish over the course of a semester. From what I understand it is the other side of what I did in the Criminal Justice Clinic as a public defender...
If you thought my Friday couldn't have gotten any better you'd be wrong. While I was talking on the phone with my dad, after I had talked to my Yiayia, I got a call from a young lady I had been waiting all week to hear from. She was calling to say that she would be free Saturday night...
I had a great weekend up in Phoenix. I went to lunch at Haji-Baba's with my old friend
Jess. I also got to visit my good friend
Spence and we watched the USA lose
0-3 to the Czech Republic in our
World Cup opener. We are down, but not out...
Later I finally tracked down my good friend Jason. It was great to see him, it reminded me that the older we get the more we need the people who knew us when we were young. After visiting with Jason I stopped at "Fake-iberto's"(aka Super Burrito on Scottsdale just south of Thomas) for a Fish Burrito(it was after 1AM). To my delight I discovered they have installed a TV...
This may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but I wish I had known it at 6AM Sunday morning so I could have watched
the Netherlands game. My dad's house doesn't have cable TV and bars in AZ don't open till 10AM on Sundays. I made sure they watch La Copa Mundial(World Cup) and they are still open 24/7...
So as you can tell life is treating me well. This past couple weeks has been another case of when there is stuff to write about there is no time to write. The last picture below was taken by my mom. It's nothing special just a recent picture of me. My mom says it makes me look like a deer caught in the headlights, I think it's just my usual "I'm about to say something brilliant" look...

A Good Lawyer Knows the Law, A Great Lawyer Knows the Judge...