Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day (Myspace)...

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all. I hope this day finds you in good spirits and with your loved ones in body and/or spirit. I understand the sentiment I have heard that Valentine's Day is a contrived holiday because every day is an opportunity to let your loved ones know how you feel...

Yeah I know it sounds kind of corny, but there is some truth to it. It is nice to have a special day but it doesn't have to be February 14th every year. Unless of course you are like my Aunt Esther and Uncle Wim who got married on February 14th. Happy Anniversary I am glad to hear you are both doing well...

Speaking of getting married on a holiday, my Yiayia and Papou(Greek for grandma and grandpa) got married on November 23rd 1950. That day also happened to be Thanksgiving day(the 4th Thursday in November). For the past 55 years Yiayia has celebrated her anniversary on November 23rd and Papou has celebrated his on Thanksgiving day...

I have added some more links(look to the right>>>) to places on the internet you can find profiles of me. Last year I was on Orkut quite a bit, but I didn't really know a lot of the people in my social network there. Lately you can find me on Myspace, I only have people in my social network there who I actually know...

Some people are what might be classified as "friend whores", one classic example of this is Diddy. This kid has less than a dozen phone numbers in his cell phone because he says there aren't that many people that he need to be able to get ahold of. This same anti-social meathead has over 100 friends on Myspace...

Every person I am connected with on Myspace is someone I actually know(except Tom). I am currently connected to 27 people and will probably be connected to a bunch more really soon. That's because I just figured out how to import my contacts list from my Yahoo and Gmail address books...

I think Eli Sinderson(my oldest friend) did a dissertation about online social networks. So he knows more about them than I do, but in my opinion social networking with people you don't really know is socially limiting. But at the same time an online social network can be a great opportunity to maintain and renew friendships...

I'm not a hard person to find especially on the internet, but don't believe everything you read in cyberspace...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Big A,

Valentines Day is special. My Yiayia Ekaterini (that'd be your yiayia's Mom) was born in Meropi, Greece on that day back in 1880. Wow, that seems like more than a hundred years ago... oh, it is! Nevermind!

So, as per our discussion the other night... New England and the northeast (NY included) is SNOW, while UMV (that'd be Upper Mississippi Valley, like our areas near Winona, LaCrosse, Fountain City... those are cold! Never saw snow like I did in the winter of '69... 44 inches in 2 days... snow banks 10 feet tall... I am not exagerating by even one inch, cause I had to shovel Papou's driveway! But, on the other hand, I've never seen cold like I have in Minnesota... -40F degrees below zero... In fact, I remember your brother Jason called me one winter's eve some years ago telling me about -60F degrees, and I assumed that was with the wind chill factored in... He said, "No, Dad, that's the ambient air temperature..." Ouch... my blood runs cold thinking about it!!!!

And that, my dear son, is why I live in Arizona (going on 17 years now)!!! No snow! No frozen noses... and when people ask if I miss the winter, I tell them that out here, I can get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee in my shorts by the pool, get in my car, drive three hours north (still in Arizona, mind you), get out of the car, make a couple of snow angels, throw a few token snowballs at my car, get back in the car, drive 3 hours home and be drinking margaritas, grilling steaks by the pool, wearing my shorts and T-shirt, and watching the sun set on an +80F degree day... like yesterday, and the day before... and the day before that... Come to think of it, it's just another Ho-Hum day in Paradise!


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