Thursday, February 16, 2006

Rules to live by...

In life I have heard a number of maxims by which people live. Some are humorous, but even in the funny ones there is a kernel of truth. Sometimes there are even lessons to be learned...

The “golden rule”, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is a nice one. It’s pretty general guideline and in most situations it works. A variation on that is “he who has the gold makes the rules”, which is supposed to be funny and has a ring of truth...

One that I really like is about your state of mind when striving to achieve goals. Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right. It speaks to determination, perseverance, and self confidence. My folks always told me I could do anything I want, so the key is figuring out what I want...

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it. This is kind of a Buddhist thing, it’s about being thankful for what you have. The whole grass is greener on the other side of the fence thing...

Another oft used expression is the “rule of thumb”, which is actually a bad thing. The expression stems from the fact that it used to be acceptable to beat your wife and child as long as the switch you used was not larger around than your thumb...

I have a personal anti-stalking rule regarding phone calls. I won’t call someone more than 3 times without a return phone call. Of course this does not apply to business calls only personal calls. After the 3rd call it's more than just a hint...

One rule that I feel is worthy of living by is Kant’s 2nd moral imperative. Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule and rules were made to be broken...

They're about the same around here...

Before I go to sleep I want to relate a story that was told to me when I was younger. I think the first time I heard it was from my dad. It's a story that's pretty easy to understand...

A farmer was out by the road side working on a piece of equipment one day when a traveling salesman happened by. The salesman stopped to talk to the farmer, after a while the salesman asked how the people are in this town. The farmer replied by asking how were they in the town the salesman just came from. The salesman replied that they were mean, nasty, and generally unpleasant. The farmer said you'll find they're about the same here...

The salesman went on his way, a little later on the farmer saw another salesman coming down the same road on his way from the same town as the first salesman had come from. The conversation which ensued followed pretty much the same direction as the first. In reply to how the people were in the previous town the salesman replied that they were nice, friendly, and fairly pleasant. The farmer said you'll find they're about the same here...

The point(s) of the story is many fold, but I think the main point is that things are what you make of them. Some people might call me a spin doctor but I prefer to look at myself as someone who tries to look on the bright side of life and people...


Anonymous said...

Doctors no longer make house calls, yet a good lawyer will still visit you in prison.
Bad Dr. = Death
Bad Lawyer = Retrial
It's only practice.

Anonymous said...

It's the last part that concerns me... "look on the bright side of life!" That's straight out of the ending of 'Life of Brian' isn't it??? If you start whistling, that's it, I'm leaving!!!

Anonymous said...

Some smart guy or girl, way back when. Unable to remember who.

Once did say ---
"To Judge a Person on how they care for ther equals is false. Look to see how they treat people who are not as fortunate."

Anonymous said...

Every system has rules.
Every System has a system.
If no system rules forbid "Such" action, then "Such" action is not forbidden.
AKA... If "They" have not thought it, DO IT...

Anonymous said...

"Do you know what a pessimist is?"

"It's a man who thinks everybody is as mean and nasty as himself, and hates them for it"

--George Bernard Shaw
The Unsocial Socialist
