I got back from New England about an hour ago. I went up to visit my Yiayia and Papou. I flew JetBlue from JFK(NYC) to Logan(Boston) then took the bus up to Portsmouth, NH and got in about 9:15AM on Friday morning...
At about 9:30AM I called my dad to ask him if he was on his way to pick me up. He told me he would be a little late because he was taking Yiayia to the hospital. Not the best way to start out a weekend visit...
It turns out she had an infection related to a recent surgery. Thankfully she went to the hospital when she did because they were able to administer antibiotics to treat the infection. By the time I left earlier today she was doing a lot better...
It was really nice to be there with her. I spent most of my time there telling her stories about my recent activities in court and some of my clients. Mostly about how I went into court twice in the past week all on my own to represent clients...
OK I'm back While I was up there this weekend I went with my dad to a Greek Independence Day party at his cousin Chris' place up in Portland, Maine. I had a great time in part because one of the people I met at the party was a criminal defense attorney...
He helped reassure me that liking the area of law I choose should be an important deciding factor. Regardless of what type of law I practice, as long as I am willing to work long and hard, success will come to me...
I talked to my good friend Captain Rubber Legs tonight. He's doing well and has started to concrete plans for his wedding this summer in Maui, Hawaii. Thankfully I should be able to make it because I just received my winnings from this past years fantasy football season...
I talked to my brother last week for the first time in a few months. It was great to hear from him and hear that he is doing well. He has a good paying job and is living with the mother of his younger son. Most importantly he sounds happy for the first time in a long time...
I miss living close to family sometimes because geographical proximity means we see each other more often. But with family time and distance mean nothing. It goes the same for some of my closest friends too...
This past week I have been handling the caseload for my partner and I at the Criminal Justice Clinic. My partner's father was in the hospital having heart surgery. She spent most of the week at the hospital with her family. It is a decision that I fully support and I am glad to be able to give her one less thing to worry about at such a tough time...
I have been burning the candle at both ends lately, and I am looking forward to Spring Break more than I ever have in my life. I got my ticket last week a roundtrip ticket from NYC to Amsterdam for only $383. I could really use the time to relax and unwind...

Parked Motorcycle Syndrome