Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Final grades posted...

Well I feel a little better now that all of my grades have posted. My cumulative GPA is now 2.67 which is exactly a B- and puts me in the middle of my class. It's nothing to brag about but it is certainly something to be proud of. I know that even the lowest ranked member of our graduating class will be a Lawyer, but it's nice not to be "THAT GUY" if you know what I mean...

My place in my class also reaffirms my thoughts about how beneficial participating in the Criminal Justice Clinic will be. We have our first case rounds tomorrow, which is basically weekly meetings with our Supervising Attorney to go over our cases. Initially each pair of partners is assigned 2 carry-over cases, and we will acquire more cases as the semester proceeds. We are scheduled to do our first arraignments next week...


Anonymous said...

Hey Big A,

It's little a! Just wanted to say hey & I hope all else is well with you too.. I love you and am so very proud of you!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Big A...

You better make sure you respond to that comment from Little A!!!

Glad you made it back safe and sound son... and sorry about the tranny fluid... hey, we had fun!!!

So, dead center, are you the best of the worst? Or the worst of the best??? Either way, I'm proud of you and will just tell you like I tell my Finance students when they ask if there's anything they can do to 'improve their grades?' I say, "Yes, there is something you can do... STUDY!!!"

Just keep up the good work, make it better, study harder and smarter, and keep moving up...

I hope I have a chance to see you in action, and I know you'll keep me posted as to the feasibility of that plan...

I love you,
