Friday, January 27, 2006

Shiny Black Effa Bee Eye Shoes...

Took a little trip into The City today to visit with Inspector Hatzoglou. I picked up my Department of Corrections ID so that I will be able to get into the Queens Courthouse on Monday. I also got a new Hofstra ID so I will be able to get into the Nassau County Courthouse on Wednesday. As of Monday...

...Aaron Syrmopoulos S-Y-R-M-O-P-O-U-L-O-S Community Legal Assistant Corporation 108 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549 practicing pursuant to the Student Practice Order of the Appellate Division, Second Department practicing under the supervision of Kathryn Stein...

...will be on the record in the state of New York.

Good morning your honor, the crown will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you was caught red-handed showing feelings. Showing feelings of an almost human nature. This will not do...

The Tom Wolfe reference is regarding the shoes I'll be wearing Monday. I went out and got myself a new suit and tie (thanks Grandma) so I'll be looking sharp. Hopefully that will help cover up how nervous and excited I will be...

I've got over 48 hours before I go to court and I can already feel the excitement building up inside me. It reminds me of jumping off of a 500 foot bridge or jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. I guess the main difference is that there is no real threat of death or bodily injury at least not to me. My clients on the other hand...

Well they're not in any real danger either, since they've only been charged with misdemeanors. I'm still excited because this feels like a real test of whether or not I really made the right decision. The Magic 8 Ball says all signs point to yes...

In answer to my dad's question; making a good school district part of my real estate criteria and seeing the end of my student loan payments rapidly approaching. Like I said earlier though, once I get a little further down the road maybe that part of the path will be clearer...

Arizona's newest practicing attorney...

Beware this man is now a licensed practicing attorney in the state of Arizona!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember son, "Never let them see you sweat." And that goes double in a court of law. So use a good anti-perspirant!
I like your answer... "loans almost paid and a good school district." And in the interim, be certain to use your time wisely. You can always make more money, but never make more time!
...and always keep in mind what the Queen of Hearts said, "They're guilty! Off with their heads!!!" So protect your clients (even the misdemeanorians... Hey, I made it up, as in people who do felonious things are felons, so people who do misdemeanor things are what...?)
Love you son,

PS: Down d'line Aaron, down d'line!