Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Like an old fashioned family doctor...

Alright I think I’ve figured out what my long term goal in the legal profession is. I want to be the legal version of a family physician, the kind who handles everything and makes house calls. I want to handle all kinds of cases, for real people…

That’s a long term goal; the short term is a little different. Right in front of my face is the Criminal Justice Clinic which I am delighting in sinking my teeth into. I am starting to get the hang of what is going on, but still a little unsure of myself. I guess that’s the whole idea of participating in the clinic…

This coming Monday we will be doing our first and possibly last arraignments. Because the Student Practice Act, under which I get to act as a Lawyer, must be renewed annually by the New York State Court of Appeals. The order expires next Tuesday, even though the annual request for renewal was submitted at the earliest date the courts backlog has prevented them from exercising their usual annual rubber stamp…

That’s all right in front of me, a little further but still in the short term is this summer. From what I have been told the types of positions I will be looking for usually do their hiring in April and May. So I have a couple months to get my stuff together to sell myself again…

A little further down the road, but still in the short term is graduation in May of 2007. After that, a couple years from now, hopefully I will get to do like my friend Brian Blum did recently and celebrate passing the Bar Exam…

Once I pass the bar I’ll need to find a position that’s main feature will be allowing me to pay off my $200,000 in student loans. I still haven’t figured out exactly what kind of law I want to practice. Then comes into play the 60-70 hour work weeks that I anticipate…

I guess that’s about as far as I can see right now. I have to deal with what right in front of me. Maybe when I get a little further down the road I can fill in that gap between my short and long term goals. Anyways I’ll have fun along the way…


Anonymous said...

So... where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Anonymous said...

Silent NOD to you.
It's nice to visit the ones in the Big House.
It shows that you care.