It has been another busy Monday. I feel like a cat trying to bury shit on a cement sidewalk. There is no rest for the wicked and the righteous don't need any. If that's the case I must be wicked because I am getting no rest and I sure could use some...
But I'm getting sidetracked back to an old post. This past week has been a decent one. The semester is finally starting to get into full swing, mainly thanks to the Criminal Justice Clinic. Today we had arraignments again at the Queens County Courthouse. One of the best things I get out of doing arraignments is getting to interact with other practicing lawyers...
Some cases are easier than others. One client that I have, has been with the clinic for about 3-4 years and will likely be with us after I leave. Some people live for the fight. Then there are cases like today where I had to convince my client to plead guilty. He was concerned about getting a violation (lower than a misdemeanor) added to his long list of felony convictions...
The DA was offering to accept "time served" in exchange for a guilty plea and was willing to consent to ROR (Released on Own Recognizance) if he wanted to fight the charge. If found guilty though he could face up to 10 days in jail and $265 in fines and fees. I still had to convince him to follow the one course of action that would ensure he would be released immediately and not have to return to court over the incident...
Also today we initiated new members into Phi Alpha Delta. Being a chapter Marshal I had to be there and played a part in the proceedings. We also have Spring Fling (a semi-formal) coming up in about a week and a half, so preparations and ticket sales have begun. So when all was said and done it was a long day...
The next 2 weeks are jam packed for me. I have court dates, client meetings, classes, letters to write, and Spring Fling ticket sales to keep me busy. Probably not much worth writing about on the blog but we'll see...
There was a girl, who I was talking to, that I was thinking about asking to Spring Fling. After paying my tuition this week though I was faced with the harsh reality of a finite bank balance. I certainly have enough to live on for the rest of the school year assuming I can stick to a reasonable budget. But I have no real prospects of income till some time in August...
I didn't get much rest this past weekend either. Sunday I had a meeting with a client and had to get ready for court today. Saturday was not that bad with only a minimal amount of reading. Friday was spent running errands and paying tuition, stuff that I can't get to on class days. I also had to recover from Thursday night...
Thursday night I went to the Hofstra basketball game we were 20-5(good) going into the game and playing against the 25th ranked team. It was fun to get out to a live college basketball game, which I hadn't done in a while. The sounds of the game, the energy of the crowd, and the smell of the student section...
We won the game 77-66, which was our first ever win against a ranked team and gave us a realistic shot at getting an "at large" bid for the NCAA tournament (big dance) even if we don't win the CAA tournament(conference tourney). The arena holds about 5,000 people and the fans rushed the court after the game. I showed self restraint and stayed in the stands and snapped off a picture of the action...
The last time I was at a court-rushing after a game was back at ASU. It was January 23rd, 2002 and we beat the UofA 88-72, the only win in our past 23 games against them. The University Activities Center holds almost 15,000 people and I took part in rushing the court that day. At one point I was actually able to pick myself out of the picture below...

The Hofstra Flying Dutchmen rush the court after a big win...

I'm in that crush somewhere...