Saturday, June 18, 2005

Goodbye to Gelnferrie

Well I was woken up this morning by housekeeping who informed me I had overstayed my welcome. Wouldn't be the first time I had done that. So I talked to the front desk and Judy was kind enough to give me an hour to shower and pack, just enough time to get it all done. I met a handful of college students at Glenferrie who are also over here through an exchange program. Most of them from the midwest Minnesota, Indiana, etc. If there are 4 million people here in Sydney at least 1/2 million of them are just visiting.

Last night Hidde and I end up in the Crown Hotel Bar at the end of the night. We shared a table with a couple of cousins. He was from Ireland and she was from Scotland. We had 4 nationalities at the table and not one of us was an Aussie. One thing I have discovered is that much of the rest of the world shows their individual ignorance by disliking me because I am an American. I have worked on a standard response to people who actually tell me they don't like me because I'm a Yank. "Look here you shit for brains prick if you are going to dislike me do it because I am an asshole not because I am an American, it only shows your stupidity." I have started to draw an analogy between the USA and the Yankees, in that other than the Red Sox everyone else hates us because we are more prosperous than them. In all fairness though plenty of Americans show their ignorance with the whole red-state blue-state bit.

I am currently at Hidde's place and in a couple hours I will head over to Bondi. I can't wait to meet everyone else in the program. First day of classes is on Monday. Until I get to campus I probably won't have internet access. So I may start missing a day here and there with the blog. I love the fact that I get to hear from all of you, it makes my day a little brighter to know that you are thinking of me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It kinda makes global domination see like a good option, fuck the rest of the world!!!! Yeah that is a trip... but i like the standard! Hope ur doin good bro, love ya!