Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I have all the time in the world now...

Well today was another interesting day in a long series of such days. I am online here at Bondi Beach House, which means I am paying by the minute. It's OK though because like I said yesterday I have figured out how to connect to the wireless network at the law school. In fact today I showed half a dozen of my colleagues here how to connect themselves to the wireless network. It took me about 45 min to walk them all through it and make sure they were taking the right steps along the way (it's amazing what missing a simple "/" can do to a proxy setting). They were all in awe that if figured it out with no help from the IT department. They couldn't believe that I had the patience to figure it out all on my own. I told them that those of us who go to second tier law schools have to work a little harder to keep up with the likes of a bunch of UNC students.

They were so thankful for my help that they are all chipping in to buy my ticket for the Route 69 Pub Crawl this Thursday night. It should be a good time. I am having so much fun with this group. The pub crawl won't be the first time we've all (almost all) gone out drinking, and most of us have been here less than a week. They are all except for one guy (not me) very positive people. We got into an interesting character showing discussion in class today about the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and how it applies to the legal profession. But it didn't even come close to getting ugly because no one is angry or bitter enough to let it get out of hand.

We unlike Australia's parliament know how to control ourselves. Today as a group we sat in on Question Day in parliament. It is a weekly opportunity for members of parliament to question their leadership. It was just as bad as any of the idiotic highlights you may have seen of the English parliament. They embarrass themselves and make a mockery of government. I have seen high school activity groups with more professionalism and self control than these "grown men" displayed. I am amazed that they would let people in to see their little circus. They should be ashamed of themselves. Our politicians may be lying cheats but at least they are polite about it.

There was also a group of high school girls in the gallery with us from a private catholic school (cute little uniforms and all). One of them was having trouble getting her phone to stay turned off so I turned around and suggested she remove the battery. She wondered why she hadn't thought of that to which I replied "Us Yanks come up with a good idea every now and then" to which she began to swoon. She told me how much she loved my accent and tried to get me to keep talking till we had to be quiet for proceedings. Every time I turned around she was making goo-goo eyes at me and made a special point to say goodbye to me as she was leaving. She was of the age of consent but still a little young for me. I don't think she would have gotten me deported but it could have made for a hell of an interesting story. I had never thought of the fact that I may actually have a sexy foreign accent here.

I am still amazed at how law school can ruin a perfectly good vacation. In the past 2 days I have read over 100 pages in one textbook and 50 pages in another. It's only been 2 days, but I don't like the pattern that is starting to develop. I'll have to do something about that tomorrow, maybe I'll finally hit up Chinatown to get that hat I've been looking for. I am so glad that I planned a week after class ends with nothing to do. By the time I get back to the US I want to learn to surf or go skydiving. I am trying to experience as many new things as possible...


Anonymous said...

I am living vicariously through ur blog bro...and lovin it:) Good to hear things are goin well. Love ya J

Anonymous said...

Ya soundin' a littl' smug there ya american boy down undu......glad to be sharing so much fun with a new group of friends: you ARE the proud American arne't ya luv... hope ya find that hat, they always look good on ya........enjoying your ramblings and daily experiences very much, having a good smile here and there.