Thursday, June 23, 2005

No Signal

The wireless network is down here at Sydney Uni Law (big surprise). So once again this will be a short post (I am more comfortable writing on my laptop). After class today I went to Paddy's Market in Chinatown. I guess there is a Chinatown in every major city in the world. There are 1 1/2 billion Chinese people so go figure. It was a great little place to bargain shop. Full of knock offs of everything you could ever want (lots of Von Dutch). I picked up a Drizabone (brand name) leather hat made from 100% genuine Kangaroo. It is basically a black leather cowboy hat (most of them are brown but I am the bad guy). I like the look, I'm sure eventually I'll post a picture of me in it so you will all have to tell me what you think.

I am going to try to go back to the hostel and take a quick nap. We are all going out on the Route 69 pub crawl at 7PM. It has been brought to my attention that this may actually be more of a pub ride. A pub crawl would more like Bogarts, Dizzy Lizard, and Bar Illusiones (Strong Island) or Mill Avenue or Old Town Scottsdale (AZ) or The Rocks (Sydney). But I'm not going to let the lack of crawling hold me back from having a good time. I would bring the camera with me but that would likely just create incriminating evidence. One thing I have learned in law school is if they can't prove it happened, it didn't happen.

I have mostly gotten over the whole class rank thing after a good talk with one of the women in my program here. She reminded me that the lowest ranked member of the graduating class is still a lawyer. I am a B- student who is going to play my 2nd and 3rd year for the same reason that these Aussies play game 3 of State of Origin, for PRIDE. One of the things that I am learning from a UNC professor here is that it takes a lot more than good grades to make a good lawyer. It takes a backbone, a conscience, and a lot of hard work. I have all three and the rest will follow.

I may not come back from tonight with pictures but maybe a good story or 2.



Anonymous said...

i just graduateed with the same rank as you. BFD. i'm still going to pass the bar the sue the shit out of anything that moves!


Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron,

It's yer Dad...
You may (or may not) have noticed that it suddenly got real quiet over here in this corner of the world... That's cause we're right in the middle of a balls out run through Financial Planner Boot Camp (aka the CFP review)!!!

Still thinking of you and hoping yer doing a-okay... I realize I'm under orders to open any mail that comes through for you... my question (before I dive back into the grind at 5:45 AM tomorrow) is do you have anything really, really, really important coming through between 6/28 and 7/11...

I ask because I'll be unavailable at casa de Syrmo to open much of anything...
Please do not mention why or where here on the very public blog if you already know where I'll be, because I don't want to spoil anyone's surprise... However, I don't want to screw up your life by missing that bazillion dollar check from Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes!!! If there is something important, I can have Jules open it if need be... otherwise, perhaps it can all await my return... we hope!!!

Anyway, did you send your physical address to Yiayia??? She wants to write a letter (snailmail... you remember that stuff, don't you?) to send to you there in the land down under! Email your physical address to me so I can give it to her, please?!?

Thanks and I love you,


Anonymous said...

It's True!!!!

"No I really, really love my laptop"
Rock and hold with a hug. :-)

Get a G4 Powerbook..Become a MAC daddy...
